22 Apr 2009

Joyous Jazz, Sezamo, Nice 21-4-09

On the way, in the ecologically responsible tram: "To save the planet - get out of capitalism":


I stopped off at this bar, because I'd read that they had a singer that night. That's her, with cigarette:


This reminds me of Van Gogh on a cafe he painted:

"In my picture of the 'Night Café' I have tried to express the idea that the café is a place where one can ruin oneself, go mad or commit a crime. So I have tried to express, as it were, the powers of darkness in a low public house."

Laura with two friends, unfortunately some French pig at the bar decided to have a loud chat on his mobile - I pointed out that there was a singer:


Hoping to become an icon:


On to Sezamo for another good Tues night. This guy is a French version of George Melly - there's a lot of fooling around - but good old trad jazz too:


This guy plays with his whole body, crouching, swaying, stretching up ...:


A guest trumpeter, sometimes a bit of blur conveys the lively atmosphere better:


Frozen in time:


The group's trumpeter:


And so we say goodnight:


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