22 Mar 2007

AVF - pub philosophy/Brit reserve

Tuesday we went to an AVF meeting (Accueil des Villes Francaises) which was to discuss future activities and the election of a new president. Some food was available (mainly salad, but anyway, we'd already eaten), and people brought drinks - M had got two bottles of Kir Royale.

Pub-philo ?

After some eating and drinking, and the announcement of her candidature for the role of president of the Nice AVF by the organizer of the event ) I was rash enough to offer to run a cafe-philo - but in English.

It seems there aren't many Brit members of AVF and maybe some actvities in English might bring in some of the many Brit ex-pats in Nice. While philosophy isn't so endemic in the UK (The French study it at school for the BAC - and there is such interest that the BAC philo questions and responses from some philosophers are published in even quite popular papers). However, with a typically British twist, there are some pub-philosophy meetings in the UK, so it might have some appeal, especially if it's kept non-technical, and a few with some knowledge aren't allowed to monopolise the discussion, as sometimes happened in one of the pub philosophy groups I went to in London.

Welcoming us Brits

Maybe a discussion group in English on cultural differences, for French (interested in practising their English) and Brits/Americans and anyone else interested, might appeal too. I think Brits tend not to join the AVF, partly due to being rather reserved (before a few drinks) and because the AVF seems to be for French moving into the area and most activities require a reasonable grasp of French. But most Brit ex-pats are probably more in need of "accueil" and help than the French from other parts of France.

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