26 Apr 2007

Men in the kitchen

France remains a rather macho country - despite Royal at least getting to round two in the presidential election - so when some women saw 12 men in a kitchen they could hardly believe their eyes - and some guys wore funny aprons to show it was all a bit of a joke. It was the third of three classes in cookery and for this final one (20.4.07) we had to create a dinner for the women of the Nice AVF.

But we were very dependent on the two women running the class, who were sometimes too busy doing things to assign all of us things to do:

Some of it, like mixing dough, was fun, like being back in primary school:

I got to be the tart man- and did 7 - it was more like mass production than haute cuisine, but tasted fine:

Some took the whole thing philosophically:

"I always believe in having a glass of wine with food old boy"

The chefs and their guests - none of whom seem have reported any serious consequences:

Will we do it regularly ?

"You must be joking !"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's a small city, Nice...I think one of the fellows in your class goes to the same church I do!! It always amazes me to recognize someone unexpectedly.

Meilleurs voeux!!