30 Apr 2007

The ecstasy and the agony

Monday 30th April

The day began wonderfully; I checked my latest diary entry on www.eurotrib.com : Haunted by Philosophers (also posted here), a bit apprehensive that it might have been criticised or ignored. In fact it had been supported as a recommended diary by 11 members and the first comment was this:

"As the proprietor of ProgressiveHistorians, a community site dedicated to the intersection of history and politics, I would be honored if you would cross-post this excellent diary there."

ProgressiveHistorians: History and Politics Of, By, and For the People
by Nonpartisan (nonpartisan@progressivehistorians.com)

How encouraging !

Unfortunately I later had a dental appointment (and got soaked onthe way) to fit two crowns to implants - but the first attempt was agonising, the implant was loose. He had to remove it and I'll have to go back to the implant surgeon for a second attempt - apparently it happens only about 5% of the time. At least the second one was very well fixed and no problem. But I left feeling rather sorry for myself and needing a couple of beers.

Later I accepted the invitation and cross-posted the essay to progressivehistorians - we'll see what they make of it. Comments got a bit side-tracked on Lenin.

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