2 Jun 2007

Nice traffic

Traffic seems likely to get more confused/confusing. They are now changing the one-way systems of lots of streets and changing bus routes and stops. Traffic will now be able to come UP the main street, Av. Jean Medecin, from the sea to the station - but I doubt if it will make the traffic in our street (Rue Diderot) any calmer:


They are makng sure that the main Square - Massena - is ready for the tourist invasion in July and August (when we hope to be in the tranquil heart of Normandy) - but they now admit the tramway won't be ready in Sept. as promised, but work will drag on till the end of October - IF we're lucky.

Meanwhile, some the less appealing parts of Nice:

Av. Jean Medecin and the Voie Rapide

Find your way through this - if you really want something at KFC


Things can only get better


Cafe life is not quite the same:



Ah for the days of the first tramway, horse-drawn carriages - and no bloody "deux roues" roaring around the city.


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